Taco Tuesday? How about Logo Tuesday?

Brand Management

Not that long ago, for one lucky member of a global brand’s marketing team, it might’ve been both!

Greg spent most of every Tuesday responding to people who requested different logo art files and assets from the previous week. They usually included some detail about why they needed them, but that wasn’t kept anywhere outside of Greg’s email or voicemail. He sent materials out as fast as he could (sometimes a few dozen each week) to avoid disrupting his regular work as much as possible.

He wasn’t tracking trends around which assets were most popular, or which regions made the most requests, he knew the process wouldn’t scale. The solution was an online, self-serve brand asset library for employees, and a logo request form for external vendors and partners.

Greg still handled the non-employee requests, but in real time. The asset library shared weekly download summaries to leaders.

Best of all, Greg got Tuesdays back to do more of the design he was hired to do in the first place.