Responsive Design. Responsible Design.


By now you’ve probably heard about “responsive” design and understand how it works, especially for web design. If not, here it is in a nutshell. Responsive design simply means that your website responds to the size and type of device that you are viewing it with. 

So if you are looking at a website on your phone, tablet or desktop, the design adapts and responds to that size.

You may not know, however, about responsive design in terms of your design system.

We know that a trifold brochure is drastically different in size and proportion from a billboard. Your design system must be adaptable for these sorts of size and medium differences. A responsive and responsible design system means that your design components – the DNA of your look and feel – are adaptable, flexible and well thought out. The careful balance of rules and guidelines with flexibility is very important to responsive design. It simply means that within a set of guidelines and specifications, we build in versatility and adaptability for design so it can take on any size and form while retaining your overall brand.

The old proverb, “A reed that does not bend will break,” supports this thinking.

A design system that is not responsive will break. And when it breaks, it creates a downhill snowball for your look and feel.