I think this clip art will paint the picture perfectly


Writing a piece on technology or AI that is taking over the World? When it’s done, you search for imagery or clip art to add to the piece. Your branding and marketing team is probably yelling “Nooooooooooo!”

While some people may think clip art is cute, it’s better suited for personal use and kept out of professional marketing communication pieces. Imagery can be a great tool to help communicate a message, but you need to take into consideration what that image is saying. Are you adding it to simply have something to look at, or does it reinforce a point to help tell the story? 

More importantly, you also have to consider your company’s brand. Is this image or art on-brand? Organizations spend hours cultivating imagery to be used in specific channels, markets, campaigns, and all are coordinated to increase recognition and maximum exposure. 

Before conducting a search on the internet for stock imagery or art, check with your brand or marketing team, to see if they already have an image that fits with the piece you’re working on. If you have a Digital Asset Management (DAM) system, that’s also a great place to start your search. Once you find something, confirm with your team it’s available for use and on-brand. And ask for any policies around how images should (or should not) be cropped, scaled, colorized, or otherwise altered before you include it in your piece.